Political Power Struggle, Corruption, and Unemployment

Political Power Struggle, Corruption, and Unemployment 

What is the connection?

This will shock you!!

Who will you choose to be the next President of the United States of America?

Does it really matter?

Will one person with mutually aligned values and principles really make a difference among a system where incentives rule the divide?

Can one person change a system that has been tweaked over the decades to aid politicians to meet their own greedy ends?

Did you see the 60 Minutes segment where law makers are allowed to use private information to trade stock options to make money before the information goes public?

Did you know that this behavior is the same behavior that is getting high profile traders and CEOs put in jail – Only the law makers are legally allowed to make money on this information before it goes public!!

  • Nancy Pelosi made a fortune with Visa options based on private information – Makes you think!!!

Did you know that most Politicians make less than 200k a year and the majority leave office multi-millionaires?

How does that happen?

Why did the whole Republican Party vote against every single proposal of our Democratic President?

Is it Conformity?

Is it Power?

Was it because ALL the proposals were no good?

What about the correlation between the OCCUPY movement and Unemployment?

Unemployment numbers are going down – Is it because people are getting jobs or is it from something else?

Did you know – If people are not receiving unemployment benefits then they are not considered unemployed…

If unemployment benefits are denied to qualified unemployed, then the unemployment number goes down, government looks successful, and the economy starts to get better – for investors.

Is this progress?

People that get laid off in exchange for offshoring are suffering to pay their bills and need assistance during transition.

I propose that there is a 9% known Unemployment + a 20% unknown Unemployment + a 20% Underemployment which = 50% + Americans that are NOT reaching their Potential.

The question I pose is – Why?

That question needs to be solved with a change of perspective and creative innovation that leads to positive change.

Keith Lawrence Miller | The Elite Coach | The Million Dollar Coaching Company | http://EliteProCoach.com  | (855) My-Pro-Coach | Free 15 Minute Laser Coaching Session

Political Power Struggle, Corruption, and Unemployment

Political Power Struggle, Corruption, and Unemployment 

What is the connection?

This will shock you!!

Who will you choose to be the next President of the United States of America?

Does it really matter?

Will one person with mutually aligned values and principles really make a difference among a system where incentives rule the divide?

Can one person change a system that has been tweaked over the decades to aid politicians to meet their own greedy ends?

Did you see the 60 Minutes segment where law makers are allowed to use private information to trade stock options to make money before the information goes public?

Did you know that this behavior is the same behavior that is getting high profile traders and CEOs put in jail – Only the law makers are legally allowed to make money on this information before it goes public!!

  • Nancy Pelosi made a fortune with Visa options based on private information – Makes you think!!!

Did you know that most Politicians make less than 200k a year and the majority leave office multi-millionaires?

How does that happen?

Why did the whole Republican Party vote against every single proposal of our Democratic President?

Is it Conformity?

Is it Power?

Was it because ALL the proposals were no good?

What about the correlation between the OCCUPY movement and Unemployment?

Unemployment numbers are going down – Is it because people are getting jobs or is it from something else?

Did you know – If people are not receiving unemployment benefits then they are not considered unemployed…

If unemployment benefits are denied to qualified unemployed, then the unemployment number goes down, government looks successful, and the economy starts to get better – for investors.

Is this progress?

People that get laid off in exchange for offshoring are suffering to pay their bills and need assistance during transition.

I propose that there is a 9% known Unemployment + a 20% unknown Unemployment + a 20% Underemployment which = 50% + Americans that are NOT reaching their Potential.

The question I pose is – Why?

That question needs to be solved with a change of perspective and creative innovation that leads to positive change.

Keith Lawrence Miller | The Elite Coach | The Million Dollar Coaching Company | http://EliteProCoach.com  | (855) My-Pro-Coach | Free 15 Minute Laser Coaching Session