We NEED Ethical Leadership

GlaxoSmithKline to pay 3 billion in fines for bribing MDs to prescribe and illegally promote Paxil, Wellbutrin and Avandia where it was not regulated by the FDA and withheld research showing adverse effects (i.e. stroke).
MDs need to be held responsible for prescribing and endangering patients lives when they knew of the consequences.
Medical licenses should be stripped.
MDs take the Hippocratic oath and it doesn’t state that they should endanger people for their own financial gain.
**We all knew this was happening and now here is the proof.
Here is the Link to the full story in the Chicago Tribune: http://alturl.com/a87so
These are the problems at the top that are trickling down.
When leadership is corrupt, companies and followers crash and burn.
We need ethical leadership.
Collateral damage in the name of individual wealth is unacceptable.
We need accountability and transparency.
Checks and balances, oaths and laws, trust and integrity, are foundational and need to be leveraged for the greater good.
This is a prime example of why leadership is extremely valuable and important.
Crash and burn or survive and thrive? I know what Leadership I want to follow.


I’m Keith Lawrence Miller and I approve this message.   We provide Certified Professional Action-based Leadership Development, Executive Coaching Solutions and Consultation services to Maximize Leadership abilities through Innovative Communication, Goal Setting, and behavioral change. Providing customized solutions everyday.

Million Dollar Coaching Company | (855) MY-PRO-COACH | 855-697-7626 | http://EliteProCoach.com/

Servant-Based Leadership: A Father’s Day Special

On Father’s Day, as a father of five, I am proud to experience all the wonderful moments associated with my role.
My kids take pride in doing the right things for themselves and watching how proud I am of their achievements. As a father, I am a servant leader. I meet my kid’s needs in every way and they repay my efforts with being the best they could be in most situations. They live to make me proud because they know how much I do to make sure they are safe and happy. They appreciate my efforts and are grateful for the life my wife and I provide for them.

Whenever they need me – I am there.

I focus on delivering a focused education in all phases of their life and they are my top priority. Their success is my success and I will stop at nothing to see them all achieve their desired happiness. Our communication is open and honest. I do my best to let them know as much as possible concerning what is happening day-to-day. They know how I feel about them and they know what is expected of them: behave and do well in school.

My kids wake up to read, hold mock classes at home, and are rewarded by being acknowledged as the best behaved kids in their school. People are shocked when they learn that my wife and I have five kids because we are stress-free and look really young for our ages. Our kids are so well-behaved that we could go anywhere and not worry. The key is clear communications, boundaries, expectations, interaction, and servitude, not spoiling, and showing love.

Servant leadership gains followership that strives for achievement because they know their leader is all-in for them. The support system empowers them to achieve at their highest level. The give and take philosophy is a two-way road and through reciprocity, everyone receives rewards and all needs are universally met.

On father’s day, I celebrate my family because they make me the dad I am today.
I wish all the great DADs who lead their families and make this world a special place, Happy Father’s Day.

There is Always a Solution

When all hope is lost there is still a solution.

There is never an end, but there is always a new beginning.

Are you willing to acknowledge alternatives and encounter the pain involved to travel the less traveled path?

Change is inevitable and accepting change is more difficult than change itself.

Identifying the solution is harder than proceeding.

The more opposition to change, the more pain involved in the process.

Accepting change provides satisfaction.

Let me leave you with a few chosen thoughts:

  1. If there is a will, there is a way.
  2. Nothing is impossible.
  3. It seems harder than it really is.
  4. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.
  5. Figuring out what to do is the hard part, doing it is the easy part.

The world is full of endless possibilities – riches to those that search and find the possibilities that are right for them.

The Million Dollar Coaching Company | 855-697-7626 | Support@EliteProCoach.com | http://www.EliteProCoach.com/ |Contact us for a complimentary 30 Minute Coaching Consultation

Why Goodwill is Priceless

Goodwill is derived from an accumulation of respect and the compounding effect can inadvertently change the world. Creating awareness within communities about having an abundant possession of goodwill promotes additional goodwill through the phenomenon of social proof, and an inherent human need to join a movement.  Goodwill promotes added commitment and can catapult an average leader into the ranks of the immortals.

Ten ways to acquire goodwill:

  1. Refrain from expressing a self-serving attitude
  2. Don’t be afraid to show others your human side
  3. Remove de-motivators from others perceptions
  4. Become an advocate for others desires
  5. Demonstrate daily adherence to your organization
  6. Become a role model for others
  7. Support charities
  8. Enable others to become difference makers
  9. Become a symbol of integrity by walking the talk
  10. Provide opportunities for development

The Million Dollar Coaching Company provides Certified Professional Action-based Executive Coaching – Career Coaching & Consultation to Maximize Opportunity through Behavioral Change, Innovative Communication, Career Transition & S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting.

“Changing the Way the World Works”

Top Quality Service at a Competitive Price:

We don’t get paid unless you succeed – guaranteed.

How much? Simple: 10% of one year’s salary after all objectives are met for Executive Coaching and Career Coaching engagements.  Engagements typically lasts from 6-12 months. Call today for a 30 minute coaching consultation: 855-My-Pro-Coach {697-7626} or E-Mail Support@EliteProCoach.com – Visit our website for more information: http://www.EliteProCoach.com

Outsourcing Power and what it means to you

Globalization is here. Large organizations outsource work for cheaper production. Produced quality is similar when compared to higher priced competitors regarding a large variety of projects. Outsourcing has enabled more choices and flexibility for awarding work.  Outsourcing has improved our choices and fueled worldwide competition. The ability to outsource has saved valuable time, stress, and finances that have enabled greater overall production.

Outsourcing has removed the entitlement behavior that dominated the workplace for decades which promoted slow to average growth. The adaptation to outsourcing has improved workplace productivity and created a fiercely competitive environment that produces record-breaking results.

Outsourcing work is not only for organizations, but rather, anyone can leverage the evolution of globalization to improve their individual productivity and overall lifestyle. Outsourcing can add years to your life by removing stress producing projects from your to-do list and which creates valuable free time that enables an alignment between activities and passions.

The Million Dollar Coaching Company provides Certified Professional Action-based Executive Coaching – Career Coaching & Consultation to Maximize Opportunity through Behavioral Change, Innovative Communication, Career Transition & S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting.

“Changing the Way the World Works”

Top Quality Service at a Competitive Price:

We don’t get paid unless you succeed – guaranteed.

How much? Simple: 10% of one year’s salary after all objectives are met for Executive Coaching and Career Coaching engagements.  Engagements typically lasts from 6-12 months. Call today for a 30 minute coaching consultation: 855-My-Pro-Coach {697-7626} or E-Mail Support@EliteProCoach.com – Visit our website for more information: http://www.EliteProCoach.com

The Blame Game

The basis of blame is called the Fundamental Attribution Theory. This theory describes the error involved in attributing blame and is a valuable asset for a leader’s knowledge base. The basic concept involves blaming mistakes that others make on their personality or individual qualities and the mistakes that we make are blamed on the situation. We give ourselves the benefit of the doubt but not others. This automatic reaction is human nature and the most seasoned and educated of us make this error in judgment.

The best of us recognize our false attribution as it occurs and make proper adjustments in order to be fair to others and to the situation at hand. Understanding that we make this critical mistake is important for leaders because they are solely responsible for influencing the actions and behaviors of their followers.  If the leaders insist on the continuation of this mistake then their team will follow their lead and create a culture of blame.

People make mistakes – some more than others – sometimes mistakes are the fault of individual qualities and other times it’s the situation that creates the error. We need to treat people how we would like to be treated – the blame game creates mistrust and dysfunction within teams. Leaders need to be able to decipher the difference between mistakes that are caused by the situation or individual qualities in order to be effective leaders.

"WeI’m Keith Lawrence Miller and I approve this message.   We provide Certified Professional Action-based Coaching and Consultation services to Maximize Opportunity through Innovative Communication and Goal Setting by using Strategy in Executive Leadership coaching, Business Coaching, Career Coaching, and Life Coaching.  Optimize your Strengths and Achieve Success in Less Time with a clear-minded motivated Focus – “Changing the Way the World Works” Visit: http://EliteProCoach.com for more information.

The Million Dollar Coaching Company | 855-697-7626 | Support@EliteProCoach.com | Contact us for a complimentary 30 Minute Coaching Consultation


We all have the power of choice. Choice is an essential gift. We all make impulsive choices based on emotions paired with poor judgment. The choices we made yesterday have led to our present situation. We cannot go back in time and change what we did or how we did it.

We cannot dwell on something that cannot be changed. We need to focus on our choices today and how they will impact tomorrow.

We need to build positive momentum moving forward. Regardless if the economy is holding you down or your friends betrayed your trust. We could blame anything and everything for our situation, but that won’t help us move forward with positive momentum. We need to cut the dead weight of blame, collect the essential pieces that are left with us today, and start making choices that will make tomorrow a better place.

What one thing could you do that will create something positive for you tomorrow?

What do you want to happen in your future?

I heard a story about: scared money doesn’t win and it reminded me of brilliant people who preach – Give Back, Pay it Forward, What goes around comes around, Reciprocity, Karma.


Do favors for others that could do favors for you. When they say thank you, don’t say, “Don’t worry about it” or “No problem, anytime” [You’re discounting your favor].

You should instead say, “You would do the same for me”.

Try switching your language and watch the response. People have an inner need to repay favors because it makes us feel good. We want an opportunity to help back. Allow the people you take care of to take care of you too. Give and ye shall receive.

It’s human nature.

  I’m Keith Lawrence Miller and I approve this message.   We provide Certified Professional Action-based Coaching and Consultation services to Maximize Opportunity through Innovative Communication and Goal Setting by using Strategy in Executive Leadership coaching, Business Coaching, Career Coaching, and Life Coaching. Optimize your Strengths and Achieve Success in Less Time with a clear-minded motivated Focus – Visit: http://EliteProCoach.com for more information…

Powerful Influence of Positive Words

Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me – Wrong!

Yeah sticks and stones break bones but words can definitely hurt.

Perception is the key, and our bodies react to positive and negative words – seriously!

Our body is made up of between 55% and 78% water.

Dr. Masuru Emoto conducted a scientific study which showed that negative words disfigured the structure of water molecules, and positive words transformed water molecules into beautiful shapes (i.e. snow crystals).

Words affect our behavior and we have control over the words that we use and allow into our lives – we have the ability to shape our environment and ultimately we have control over how we want our bodies to feel.

Bottom Line

Increase your body’s positive interaction with your environment by putting more positive words around you – this will transform 55-78% of your body into beautiful molecules which will positively affect your overall mood.

What are a few positive words that make you feel great?

Try it – it works!

Why is Autism on the Rise?

Autism affects the most innocent among us and autism experts who research this topic of concern are still “puzzled” as to why this is occurring at a higher frequency over the years.  We know that pharmaceutical companies put pressure on researchers to produce data that is aligned with the benefits of new medicine in order for billions in gain. Utilitarianism is an applied phrase that means to help the greater good. The brain has yet to be completely mapped and there are unknown processes that may unlock the answer as to why autism is hurting our children. Our society produces new drugs to fight new problems and we have become a culture of pill poppers. There seems to be a mutation that causes the effects of autism but isn’t this the case with most new phenomenon that we cannot fully explain. The evidence is inconclusive and my heart breaks for the affected children that want to have a normal average life but are sentenced to life with autism.

Polio was once the culprit and discoveries aided our adaptive ability – the case of autism is a growing concern that has the public involved – big business listens when we all speak together and we are hopeful that there will be a conclusive answer to this demoralizing problem soon.  Autism affects us all.

You could donate for continued research to fight the growing problem of autism. The scariest concern is that autism can happen to any family and nobody knows why which is why this cause is so important – below is a link to get involved right now:


Leadership is about identifying problems, setting goals, and overcoming obstacles – this is a problem we all face.

The Evil Motivation of Money

Is money Evil? This is open to opinion and speculation.

Money provides us with wealth in the form of meeting needs.

Money provides the ability to buy products and services that are needed for survival and a better quality of life.

Everyone wants and needs money for our health, happiness, success, and survival.

Everyone strives in life to make money to fulfill needs.

In this regard, money is a GOD send – Using Money is easier than bartering goods.


Then there is the other side of the equation – How much money is enough?

This is a tricky question because the answer is variable depending on the person and their environment.

A positive Psychology study showed that happiness is maximized with an income of 70k per year and any additional earnings does not provide increased happiness.

If this is true: Why do most of us want to make more than 70k per year?

There are many reasons – Here is a simple one:

We want to buy things that we don’t have and we want our immediate family and friends to share in the excitement.

i.e. 10 people in the immediate family = Need 700k

Here in lies the problem with money – GREED

Making money is wonderful and everyone should have the opportunity to grow their wealth to meet their needs and dreams.

Money provides many wonderful benefits such as traveling the world and sending your kids to college.

The GREED part of money is the scary part and is what causes FEAR in our economy.

We need an economy that will only accept honesty, trust, and fairness.

What are people willing to do to gain more money?

On one side – People are willing to get a great education, work hard, develop innovative products, and serve our communities for the greater good.

On the other side – People are willing to:

  • Break any and all ethical values
  • Deceive potential customers
  • Create scams to steal from the innocent
  • Murder and victimize family and non-family members
  • Create complex money schemes to bait people into giving away their money
  • Pretend to love GOD
  • Become politicians to steal from the public in the guise of favors
  • Form organized crime units
  • Steal from crime scenes
  • Write unnecessary prescriptions for their gain instead of their patients
  • Perform unnecessary surgery and put helpless lives in jeopardy
  • Sell mortgages that are based on shark loans that could never be paid

and this list goes on and on.

These people come from many different backgrounds and walks of life – They have different influences on them as they grow up, come from different socio-economic levels, have different values and education levels, but they all fit succinctly into one category – Evil.

  • It is Evil to harm others for GREEDY selfish personal gain
  • It is Evil to justify harming other people for increased financial gain
  • It is Evil to break ethics as a practicing professional to make more money
  • It is Evil to abuse an authority position to steal for personal gain

Money is not Evil – People are willing to do Evil things to get more money.

This motivation for more money propels people to do Evil thing and causes instability in our economy.  The culture of money needs a makeover – The Evil acts of GREED compromise safety.

Why are you hesitant about any offer? Is it because you are on guard from being scammed?

Why do we mistrust people we never met before?

Why are we worried that someone might hurt someone we love?

Keith Lawrence Miller | The Elite Coach | The Million Dollar Coaching Company | www.EliteProCoach.com | (855) My-Pro-Coach