7 Areas of Limitation in Career Development

  1. Limited Self-Belief and Lack of Self-Esteem

As career professionals, we generally underestimate our own abilities and attribute a greater degree of efficiency and aptitude to others. This limiting belief holds career development back from achieving its full potential. Professionals who desire career advancement need to understand that their abilities match up competitively with others in their field. Developing self-belief and self-esteem are the first steps for successful self-representation. Confidence is contagious and easily identified.

  1. Self-Defeating Behaviors

Everyone has habits, some good and some bad. Bad habits interfere with career development. Saying inappropriate things or making improper gestures at the wrong time does not present itself favorably with co-workers, bosses, or gatekeepers. Behaviors develop reputations that precede professional engagements. Judgments are passed based on previous work behaviors and rumors are spread that illuminate this perceived flaw. Stress and fatigue contribute to less than desirable behavior and being aware of other’s reactions is a tell sign that should alert us to keep or replace enacted behaviors.

  1. Uninformed about Steps and Techniques Needed for Progression and Advancement

Most workers find themselves doing repetitive tasks and wonder why they’re not advancing. Some people are satisfied doing the ordinary, but not you (or you wouldn’t be wasting your time reading this). Ask questions – how did she move up so fast? What did she do? How did she do it? Who was her contact? Here are 7 steps that can be implemented right away and possibly the missing element needed for your promotion: 1. Create relationships 2. Be early, leave late 3. Do more than asked 4. Tell everyone how great your boss is 5. Support other departments 6. Ask for more work and do it 7. Ask for a promotion. If you don’t accept just getting by then you will advance. Ultimately, the blame for our failure or success rests on our shoulders and we need to identify the sequential steps to meet our needs regardless of how difficult these steps could be.

  1. Misaligned Goals and Values

Goals and values are not the same thing. However, negative effects are felt when they are not in sync. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? Is that really where you want to be? What do you value most in life? Does that goal align with your most important value? When goals and values are aligned, there is an aura of synergy that is created, jubilance in work follows, new energy is created, positive momentum is created, and a resounding vigor is experienced. Do you feel a weight on your shoulders? Maybe your goals and values are in misalignment. What quick change could you make to have the two roads meet?

  1. Lack of Self-Awareness concerning Strengths, Knowledge, and Abilities (KSAs)

Never underestimate your education and life experience. Most people do. We all have strengths, but not all of us take the time and put in the effort needed to make innate strengths into abilities. Not knowing your strengths can limit your development for the long-term. What do you enjoy doing? What do you do without any effort? Where do you get the most compliments from others? We all have life experiences that shape our behaviors and attitudes. These life lessons are not learned or experienced by everyone. We learn by doing. It is common to underestimate our knowledge. We assume that others know the same things and others have had similar experiences. This is not the case. We share similar experiences within cultures, but the overall picture for each individual is unique. We are all different in our own ways and have something valuable to add to the conversation. Never underestimate your value.

  1. Inability to Communicate Effectively

Did you ever hear of the game “telephone”? A message is whispered from one player to the next and the message heard by the last player is always completely different from the original message. The biggest problem in today’s fast paced, over-worked, and over-informed environment is the inability to communicate effectively. As an author or writer, one learns to write as if the audience does not know anything. On the other hand, when we speak or write, we generally accept that our audience has a basic understanding of the topic. The error in communication lies in not clearly providing the message as it is intended. Critical points are excluded to maximize time, but those points need to be filled in by the audience receiving the message. This misunderstanding leads to crucial errors and ultimately destroys more time than was initially saved. Take the time to communicate your message clearly and effectively in the first place and save yourself the headache of having to clean up the associated errors.

  1. Lack of Leveraging Networks and Relationships

The general belief is that our closest friends and family are the only ones who would help us in times of need. Studies on social networking suggest that this is completely wrong. Your external network is willing to help and you need to leverage the benefits. Loose connections seem to provide greater benefits and they find greater opportunities that your immediate network could never realize. The power of your external network exists in its positioning which is completely outside your immediate network’s reach. Ask for support and probe your distant network to see how they can support your career development. People are willing to help. It’s our nature. Your external network could provide the needed boost that will take your career to the next level. If your distant network is limited then you need to create an action plan for cultivating connections. In today’s globalized and interconnected economy, competition is high, and relationships are gold. Ultimately, this works because of reciprocity and the genuine character of our kind. When you get the opportunity, pay it forward because what goes around comes around.


I’m Keith Lawrence Miller and I approve this message.   We provide Certified Professional Action-based Leadership Development, Executive Coaching Solutions and Consultation services to Maximize Leadership abilities through Innovative Communication, Goal Setting, and behavioral change. Providing customized solutions everyday.

Million Dollar Coaching Company | (855) MY-PRO-COACH | 855-697-7626 | www.EliteProCoach.com

25 Most Common Interview Questions

Are you preparing for the interview of your life?  

The following questions will prepare you to handle the interview with class and style.  Answer each question to the best of your ability and review the document when you’re done.  Search for inconsistencies or vague answers and correct where necessary.  Put yourself in the interviewer’s position and try to gauge what their impression would be of your response.  This exercise will inoculate you to the new experience and enable you to avoid unnecessary mistakes or the dreaded, “I wish I would have said that differently” next day thinking. At first impression, you might think this is a waste of time or you don’t have the time to do this, but this type of exercise is what separates those who get the job offer and those who have more time to do other things.

What are you looking for ideally in a job?

Tell me about how you got to where you are.

We have a number of very talented applicants for this position. Why should we select you?

Tell me a little bit about yourself.

In what area do you feel you need personal and professional development?

Why did you major in X?

Why are you leaving X company?

Tell me about a specific project you recently worked on.

If I talked to your manager, what would that person tell me about you?

What interest you about this job at this company?

What did you learn from one of the projects that you worked on that failed?

you could recreate one cultural aspect from a previous employer and bring it here, what would it be?

Describe your “wow factor” to me.

Have you acquired a reputation for anything in your work?

What competencies would you like us to help you develop?

What leader do you admire most? Why? What have you learned from that person?

What have you accomplishments been in your current role?

What are your career aspirations in both the short term and the long term?

What influenced you to pursue a career in your particular area of expertise?

Why is this position your next right move?

Tell me about the qualifications and experiences/ skills you can bring to this organization that will add value.

Why did you go to X College?

What is motivating you to consider another position?

Explain to me a situation in which your business and personal ethics were challenged. Describe how you responded to it.

Describe your leadership style.

Questions above are the 25 most commonly used questions by Fortune 500 companies during the interview process and the questions were extracted from “Get the Interview Every Time” by Brenda Greene

  I’m Keith Lawrence Miller and I approve this message.   We provide Certified Professional Action-based Coaching and Consultation services to Maximize Opportunity through Innovative Communication and Goal Setting by using Strategy in Executive Leadership coaching, Business Coaching, Career Coaching, and Life Coaching.  Optimize your Strengths and Achieve Success in Less Time with a clear-minded motivated Focus – Visit: http://EliteProCoach.com for more information…